Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The first test !

Preg Test Positive !
It was 3 days after I missed my period, I did my first urine test !!
The pinkish purple lines were pale but were there.
Oh I was so exhilarated, it was 3 in the morning and I snuggled with my husband and whispered him that you are going to be daddy soon :D :D :D
And he hugged me hard and we almost cried !
The emotions we can't really explain, those were of overwhelming love, fear, delight, jubiliation, thrill, anxiety and what not.
But since the lines were too pale, we decided to take the test again after 2-3 days, which passed excrutiatingly slow, like super slow, as if time stopped moving. But then after 2 days I tested for hCG levels again, and this time lines were a bit prominent.
Therefore, we decided to see the doctor coming Saturday. Meanwhile we called both our parents and broke the news, who then instructed us to eat properly and don't tell anyone till things are confirmed.
But we were happy, I started walking slowly, started feeling like I had a baby bump already, and felt like all those tell tales and old wives stories and blah ..
Then came the Saturday when we went to see one of the oldest gynic in the town, man she was almost 70 years old !
That happy faced lady heard us, then jovially asked why did you do the test twice and winked ;)
Then prescribed us Folic Acid and some Vitamins and mundane tests and took the history and weight and BP and whatever it takes to create an antenatal profile and asked us to go for a sonography in 7th or 8th week. Also told us not to tell anyone unless you hear the heartbeat of the kid.
We came back happy and worried. Happy for obvious reasons and worried as it is first for both of us and our parents were out in the US, and are scheduled to come back after 4-5 months, so we had no idea ho to go about it, but we had to :-|


  1. ok you don't break such news in middle of the night, not good for the neighbors... how could he not shout at top of his lungs man ;)... well congratulations to both of you. I'm very very happy for you dear. :) :)
