Monday, 30 September 2013

The Morning Sickness

Yeah, it is there and most of us are badly affected and it is feared most.
It is indeed bad, but, its all in state of mind !

There are plenty of resources available on internet to curb the throwing up part of pregnancy, but I'll tell you what worked in my case. All our bodies are unique in some or the other way and they do respond well to certain things and have different triggers. Here are some ways which helped me fighting the morning sickness -

  • Its all in our head !
    Have a strong resolve and think you are tougher than the sickness. It really works. 
  • Identify your triggers - In my case it was boiling milk, cooking eggs, toasting with butter. We all have some or the other kind of smell or sight weaknesses that can trigger vomiting. Identify them and stay away from them. 
  • Eat every two hours - Keeping your stomach empty is one of the major causes of vomiting. I understand you don't feel like eating anything, but try to nibble your favorite biscuit or chocolate or any fruit, whatever you can eat. 
  • Try lime based fruits to feel fresh - Keep a lemon or orange or sweet lime with you always. Its super refreshing smell did wonders to me. 
  • Keep chewing bits of salted or caramelized adrak (gingeror amla (Indian Gooseberry
  • Last but not the least, its just a customary thing that comes with your condition, don't worry, it will go away, just stay happy and calm ! You're going to be a mom soon :)
    And trust me its all worth it :) :) 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Low Glucose Tolerance Detected !

So it was my seventh week when I went for the first Ultra Sound !!
There was no kid to be seen, just a small sack on that black and white screen, but I could see the heartbeat and hear it too, it was surreal :) :)
Something Like This !
Out of all the tests doctor prescribed only one was not too good. I was diagnosed with high blood sugar, low glucose intolerance, which meant I need to take super care of my diet and have good exercise so as to not have sugar levels more than 120 at any time of the day.
My patterns were clear after I took the tests after each breakfast, lunch and dinner for 6 consecutive days !
They were slightly more after lunch and dinner, the upper limit was 140 when I ate all rice.
So my I consulted another specialist for the same, besides giving me a diet chart (eat anything you want, but in small quantities, and eat every 2 hours) he prescribed Acarbose & Metformin Tablets, had to swallow half each during lunch and dinner.

Seemed like it worked, but my gyn wasn't satisfied and asked me to get NT Scan, (Some kind of scan that ensures if kid is not affected by the down syndrome).
 Now this NT Scan was kind of funny, they wanted the kids picture in a particular position, where they could clearly see the neck of him/her and measure some soft tissue.
When the doc started the scan I thought it would hardly take 5-10 minutes to get it, but the kid was literally dancing and as if refused to get into that position. It was so pleasurable to see him/her moving those tiny little limbs, it was totally dreamlike !!

Finally it was after 2-3 walks and almost 80 minutes the kid came into the desirable position and they took the pictures and measurements.

This was the required position !!!

The report came after what seemed like eternity, but thankfully there was low risk !!
And the doctor was too kind to ask me to follow my diet schedule and take medicines timely.

But managing diabetes and pregnancy is a full time job !
It was in the second month when I was scheduled to travel, my doc told me there are no issues in traveling unless you can mange your diet and nausea and medicines etc.
I should be talking about, what happens when you travel in your first trimester in my next post !!
Till then happy pregnancy :) :)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The first test !

Preg Test Positive !
It was 3 days after I missed my period, I did my first urine test !!
The pinkish purple lines were pale but were there.
Oh I was so exhilarated, it was 3 in the morning and I snuggled with my husband and whispered him that you are going to be daddy soon :D :D :D
And he hugged me hard and we almost cried !
The emotions we can't really explain, those were of overwhelming love, fear, delight, jubiliation, thrill, anxiety and what not.
But since the lines were too pale, we decided to take the test again after 2-3 days, which passed excrutiatingly slow, like super slow, as if time stopped moving. But then after 2 days I tested for hCG levels again, and this time lines were a bit prominent.
Therefore, we decided to see the doctor coming Saturday. Meanwhile we called both our parents and broke the news, who then instructed us to eat properly and don't tell anyone till things are confirmed.
But we were happy, I started walking slowly, started feeling like I had a baby bump already, and felt like all those tell tales and old wives stories and blah ..
Then came the Saturday when we went to see one of the oldest gynic in the town, man she was almost 70 years old !
That happy faced lady heard us, then jovially asked why did you do the test twice and winked ;)
Then prescribed us Folic Acid and some Vitamins and mundane tests and took the history and weight and BP and whatever it takes to create an antenatal profile and asked us to go for a sonography in 7th or 8th week. Also told us not to tell anyone unless you hear the heartbeat of the kid.
We came back happy and worried. Happy for obvious reasons and worried as it is first for both of us and our parents were out in the US, and are scheduled to come back after 4-5 months, so we had no idea ho to go about it, but we had to :-|